Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm very excited to start this blog about Baby Gates' journey!!! I have several friends and family members that I don't get to see much, so I wanted to keep them updated.

Jermey and I found out we were expecting on December 3rd (the day before my birthday). I wasn't even late yet, but just had "that feeling" so I took at test around 5:30am that morning before work. The line on the pregnancy test was faint, but there!!! So I ran into the bedroom and shared the news with hubby. Since the line was so faint, I got dressed and drove to walmart and bought digital tests which also gave us the PREGNANT news too. We were ecstatic!!! :)

On January 7th, we went for our first ultrasound which was so amazing! We were able to see the baby move and see the heartbeat. The baby's heartrate was 170. The only not so exciting news was that I had a subchronic hematoma, which is a small sack of blood that occur when the baby attaches to the uterus. The ultrasound tech didn't seem too concerned, but wanted me to come back in a week to make sure the blood hadn't increased.
We went back to the tech on the 14th and thank the good lord the hematoma had disappeared! The baby once again moved and the heartrate was 165. We were so happy to hear the great news!
We go back to the dr for a regular prenatal appointment this Wednesday.

I'll post pictures soon! :)

How far along? 11 Weeks
Maternity clothes? My clothes are starting to get snug so I'm starting to browse maternity clothes
Sleep: not sleeping well
Best moment this week: Saturday (being lazy and resting all day)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and my morning coffee
Movement: I haven't felt any movement, but we saw movement on the ultrasound :)
Food cravings: CHEESE!
Anything making you queasy or sick: water
Have you started to show yet: looking chubby for sure
Gender prediction: I'm thinking girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat next week